Discover the Secret to a Brighter Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening


Did you know that teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic dental procedure? 

Professional teeth whitening is more effective than over-the-counter options. With proper care, results can last from six months to three years.

At Sundance Dental Bloomfield, we offer top-tier professional teeth whitening services that can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades.

Apart from debunking the common myths about teeth whitening, in this blog, you can expect the following:

  • Benefits of professional teeth whitening
  • How does professional teeth whitening work?
  • Is teeth whitening safe for everyone?
  • How long do the results last?

At Sundance Dental Bloomfield, our team is dedicated to providing personalized care. We explain each step, discuss costs upfront, and address any concerns you might have. Read on as we share how you can experience Bloomfield’s top professional teeth whitening services.

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Importance Of Teeth Whitening

First impressions matter, and when your teeth are pristine white, you can smile confidently. There is no doubt that 48% of American adults say a smile is the most memorable feature of a person in their first meeting with someone.

A beautiful smile doesn’t just radiate happiness to onlookers but lightens you up with positivity. Teeth whitening is a painless procedure with noticeable results in just one session. It’s as easy as walking into a dentist’s office and walking out with shining pearly whites within 60 minutes.

If you’re looking for professional teeth whitening in Bloomfield, you’re in luck! Sundance Dental & Orthodontics in Bloomfield prides itself on offering the best professional teeth whitening services, with take-home or in-office procedures. 

There are some myths surrounding tooth whitening. Let’s dispel them:

Myth Truth
Teeth Whitening Damages Enamel Professional teeth whitening is safe and does not damage the enamel when performed by a qualified dentist.
Teeth Whitening Results Are Permanent Results are not permanent; maintenance and avoiding stain-causing foods and drinks are necessary.
Whitening Treatments Are Painful While some may experience temporary sensitivity, professional treatments are designed to minimize discomfort.
Teeth Whitening Makes Teeth Look Unnatural Professional whitening enhances natural tooth color, resulting in a natural-looking smile.
You Shouldn’t Whiten Your Teeth if You Have Sensitive Teeth Dentists can use special techniques and products to whiten sensitive teeth safely.

How Do Our Teeth Lose Their White Color?

It may surprise many, but our teeth aren’t naturally white. The dentin below your teeth is dark yellow. The yellow hue appears more prominent with a more translucent or thinner enamel. Teeth undergo discoloration due to age, eating habits, smoking, and oral hygiene and have stains due to the consumption of staining foods and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine.

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that aims to lighten the color of your teeth. 

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Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening?

Enhanced Appearance that Brings Confidence: A brighter smile can improve your overall appearance and make you look younger. Whiter teeth can boost your self-esteem and make you feel more confident in social and professional settings.

Improved Oral Health: The process can help remove plaque and tartar, one of the primary reasons for teeth discoloration. Eliminating plaque and tartar is part of the teeth whitening process, which helps maintain oral health.

Safe and Effective Methods: Under the care of a professional dentist, you can be assured that the procedure is safe and tailored to your needs. Professional treatments are performed under the supervision of a qualified dentist in Bloomfield, ensuring the process is safe and effective.

Faster Results and Long-Lasting Effects: Professional treatments can provide noticeable results in just one session compared to over-the-counter products. Professional dentists also provide post-whitening tips and care advice for professional teeth-whitening results that can last longer than at-home kits.

The Professional Teeth Whitening Process

At Sundance Dental in Bloomfield, the teeth whitening process typically involves the following steps:

Step 1: Meeting and examination

When you visit our office, our dental experts will understand your objectives for whitening your teeth and evaluate your teeth’s coloration. The professional will discuss how many shades brighter you may expect your teeth’ color to be in the whitening procedure. 

Step 2: Preparation

The procedure starts by clearing plaque and tartar from your teeth. The dentist may use a pumice tool to polish your teeth. This is an important step to ensure the whitening gel (used in the next step) can penetrate your teeth effectively. Also, in-office procedures are more effective than take-home methods, as the dentist uses specialized tools. 

Step 3: Whitening Procedure

The dentist places a barrier along the gum line to begin the procedure. This prevents the whitening agent from touching the gums, cheeks, or tongue. The dentist will evenly apply a professional-grade whitening gel to your teeth and may leave it on for up to 60 minutes. Within that time, you can see your teeth up to eight shades lighter. Depending on the required shade, the dentist may apply another coat. The procedure ends with a rinsing of the mouth.

Step 4: Post-Treatment Care

After the whitening procedure, the dentist will explain what to follow and avoid for the best outcome. As your newly whitened teeth are susceptible to stains, you must follow the advice to let the whitening agent sink in completely.  

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Take-Home Tooth Whitening

Our dental practice allows us to create custom-made take-home whitening trays that are more effective than most over-the-counter treatments. Every tray is designed for perfect fit and comfort. The take-home treatment comes with a boost whitening gel only sourced by licensed dentists. For those looking for the convenience of home treatment, wearing the take-home trays for just thirty minutes daily can give you beautiful, shiny white teeth within two weeks.

Choosing the Right Dentist in Bloomfield

Sundance Dental Bloomfield is your top choice for professional teeth whitening. We are renowned for our deep commitment to patient care and satisfaction. Our experienced professionals use state-of-the-art technology to deliver teeth whitening with unparalleled precision. 

With a patient-centered approach, we ensure personalized care for every individual who walks into our practice. Transparency is key; we explain every procedure step, outline costs, discuss possible side effects, and provide comprehensive post-procedure care instructions. 

Trust Sundance Dental Bloomfield to brighten your smile with expertise, compassion, and the latest dental technology. Your satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities.


  • Sundance Dental Bloomfield provides customization for your teeth, making them up to eight shades lighter.
  • Professional teeth whitening is safe and does not damage the enamel when performed by a qualified dentist, ensuring safety and effectiveness.
  • While professional teeth whitening results are impressive, they are not permanent, so you should maintain them well and avoid stain-causing foods and drinks.
  • Sundance Dental Bloomfield’s professional teeth whitening can address extrinsic (surface) and intrinsic (deep) stains.
  • We provide top-quality teeth whitening procedures, both in-office and take-home, designed for effectiveness and convenience.
  • Personalized treatment plans are essential for the best results in teeth whitening, depending on the type of stains and the natural color of your teeth.