Everything You Must Know About Invisalign Braces Before Visiting Dentist


When discussing orthodontic treatment, most individuals often connect it to the pain and discomfort of traditional metal braces treatment.

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Interestingly, however, that’s not all! You no longer need to go through months of pain, discomfort, and underconfidence due to metal braces. Invisalign is a great approach to align your teeth discreetly and comfortably. 

Invisalign has fixed over 2.4 million smiles and is the go-to option for adults of all ages. 

In this blog, we take a closer look at:

  • What is Invisalign – Its Role in Smile Correction
  • How Invisalign Works Behind the Scenes
  • What Makes Invisalign Ideal for Smile Correction?
  • 8 Things You Need to Know About Clear Aligners

Continue reading as we learn more about invisible braces for adults in the following sections. 

What is Invisalign – Its Role in Smile Correction

Invisalign braces are a part of orthodontic procedures where your dentist uses invisible aligners to correct your smile instead of traditional metal braces. They are translucent, removable, and less apparent than typical metal braces. 

The appliance comprises a set of custom, transparent braces that cover and gently pull your teeth into the correct position over time. 

Components of Invisalign – Everything that Makes it an Effortless Appliance

Invisalign transparent aligners are constructed of BPA-free plastic, making them far more comfortable than traditional metal braces. These transparent,  personalized aligners are designed to straighten your teeth and give you the stunning smile you’ve always desired. 

There will be no visible metal brackets or wires while using clear braces for therapy. What’s more? Clear braces can also help you achieve beautiful, comfortable, and well-aligned teeth in half the time traditional braces need. 

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So whether you’re a parent looking into orthodontic treatment for your child or an adult who’s been putting off treatment for years, transparent braces are an effective and discrete solution. 

However, you can’t just receive treatment for Invisalign aligners. You’ll first need to consult your smile goals with a dentist in Grants to help you understand what you can expect with your treatment.

How Invisalign Works Behind the Scenes

Wearing Invisalign is simple and fits seamlessly into your daily routine. Once you receive your aligners, your dentist will install the transparent braces on your teeth. However, there’s more to the process than you see on the surface. 

Keeping the same in mind, we’ve listed down how the appliance works in three simple steps:

Step – I The Regular Wear

You will wear each pair of aligners for two weeks before switching to the next set. Your aligners will first fit firmly since they are intended to softly and accurately reposition your teeth. 

Step – II The Initial Movements

After a few days, your teeth will gradually shift into a new position. Your aligners will feel a little looser after a while. Do not exchange them too early if they begin to feel loose. 

Wear them for a full two weeks. It allows your teeth and gums time to acclimate to their new location. Switching aligners too early can disrupt your treatment plan.

Step – III Corrections and Checkups

Every six weeks, you must visit your Invisalign Dental near Grants, NM, to check your aligners and treatment progress. These examinations allow your dentist to decide whether any changes should be made to the aligners or your treatment plan.

What Makes Invisalign Ideal for Smile Correction?

One of the most compelling reasons to invest in aligners is how pleasant these aligners are to wear. Remember that your teeth are changing into a new position, so expect discomfort as they move, particularly with the initial aligners. 

When you initially put on a fresh set of aligners, the pressure on your teeth will progressively subside over the next several days. It’s best to contact your dentist if you are experiencing any substantial discomfort or pain. 

Interestingly, it isn’t all! Here are a few more orthodontic treatment benefits you should know:

Clear Aligners are Comfortable

The appliance is made of smooth plastic, so it does not cause discomfort or soreness like traditional metal braces. There are no metal brackets or wires that harm your teeth and gums.

A Discreet Option

The transparent aligners are practically invisible, so no one will notice you’re wearing them until you tell them or they see them up close. It is a major selling factor for many individuals who are afraid to get braces.

Removable Appliance

You may remove the aligners to eat, drink, clean your teeth, and floss. This makes it simple to keep your teeth healthy while wearing them. It means you can still eat your favorite meals while wearing invisible braces.

Clear Aligners Are Effective

Aligners progressively reposition your teeth into the suitable position, resulting in straighter teeth. If you follow your dentist’s recommendations, you won’t have to worry about your teeth shifting back into their original positions once you’ve finished wearing the aligners.

A Versatile Option!

Invisalign can be a versatile option to treat many orthodontic issues, including underbites, crooked teeth, and overbites. 

8 Things You Need to Know About Clear Aligners

  • Invisalign treatment can take longer than traditional braces:

While Invisalign is sometimes touted as a speedier alternative to conventional braces, treatment timeframes vary depending on the severity of your case. In certain circumstances, the therapy might take longer than traditional braces in orthodontic treatment for adults. Before beginning treatment, you should discuss your timeframe with your orthodontist.

  • Invisalign aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours per day:

You must wear your aligners for at least 22 hours daily to ensure your treatment is effective. You should only remove your aligners when you eat, drink, or clean your teeth. Follow the instructions for wearing your aligners to ensure your treatment is on time.

  • You will need to brush your teeth after every meal:

Because you must remove your invisible aligners while eating, cleaning your teeth after each meal is essential to keep food particles from being stuck in your aligners. Failure to wash your teeth regularly can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

  • You may experience some discomfort during the first few days of treatment:

Feeling discomfort during the first few days of using invisible aligners is typical. This soreness usually goes away after a few days as your teeth adjust to the pressure of the aligners.

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  • Invisalign is not suitable for everyone:

While Invisalign is an excellent choice for many people, it may not be right for everyone. People with significant overbites or underbites should avoid using Invisalign aligners.

  • You may need to wear a retainer after treatment:

After you’ve finished your aligner treatment, your orthodontist may prescribe that you wear a retainer to help keep your new smile. Retainers can be fixed or removable and must be worn as instructed to keep your teeth from sliding back into their original position.

  • Invisalign treatment can be more expensive than traditional braces:

Depending on the complexity of your situation, aligner treatment may cost more than conventional braces. However, many believe that Invisalign’s convenience and cosmetic benefits make the increased expense worthwhile.

  • You can still enjoy your favorite foods during the Invisalign treatment:

One of the advantages of Invisalign treatment is that you may continue to eat your favorite foods while getting your teeth straightened. Because Invisalign aligners are removable, you may eat whatever you want if you remove them beforehand.


  • Clear aligners are a great option to fix your smile without having to undergo the pain of traditional braces.
  • Clear aligners are highly appealing to young adults as they are discreet, comfortable, and effective. 
  • Ensure you understand transparent braces before you enquire about them using the Invisalign dentist near me.
  • Need more guidance to understand the impact or role of Invisalign? Visit our clinic at Sundance Smiles today!