A Practical Overview On Failures And Problems With A Dental Implant

The Academy of Implant Dentistry estimates that over 30 million Americans lack a complete set of teeth in at least one jaw! With so many people losing at least one or more teeth, what’s the best way to restore your confident, natural smile?

The answer is hidden in teeth implants in Grants. If you’ve lost teeth, you know that many solutions are available, and one of the best for long-term care is dental implant treatment. This dental procedure restores your confidence and gives you the feeling of natural teeth. 

Similarly, there are certain drawbacks to dental treatment as well. From time to time, a dental implant may have issues. This article provides an overview of common problems and failures that can occur with a dental implant. These include improper placement, infection, poor bone quality, nerve damage, sinus issues, and more. Knowing the risks and preventive measures is essential to avoid dental implant complications.

Continue reading as we look at some of the problems and issues one might face while wearing a dental implant.

What Failures Can Dental Implants Have?

As per dental Gallup, NM experts, implant placement carries some health concerns, just like any other type of surgery. However, when they do arise, problems are primarily manageable and infrequent. 

Dental implant problems that can commonly occur can be as follows:

Failure Of Osseointegration

When your implant undergoes osseointegration, the surrounding bone grows. If osseointegration fails, the implant won’t be strong enough to support the crown. If a dental implant fails, it could come out naturally, or you might need to remove it. 

However, if your dental implant falls off, your dentist can decide whether to replace it or consider another alternative.

Improper Implant Placement

Sometimes, your implant placement by your dentist could go wrong. Difficulties can come from issues with the post or angle of the imperfect dental implants. For example, it’s possible that the implant won’t correctly merge with the bone, will be too close to the neighboring tooth, and hurt or become loose or break. 

You might need to have the implant pulled or changed if this occurs. Before and after dental implants, you must get a medical opinion from a different dentist in dental Gallup, NM.

Prior Medical Conditions

Your general overall health significantly impacts how quickly your gums heal after receiving dental implants. The healing process may take longer for some medical problems. Due to the slow healing, the dental implant may not properly integrate with the jaw bone and may eventually become loose.

 Let your dentist know about any drugs you are taking because some have been known to slow down the healing time after surgery.

What Are the Risks of Getting Dental Implants?

In addition to the failures, dental implant surgery may provide several potential health hazards. They are: 

Sinus Damage 

Sinus damage is a significant dental implant risk. Your nasal sinuses are right below your upper jaw. A tooth implant used to replace your front teeth may pierce the sinus, which might cause pain or even an infection. Specialized physicians of dental Gallup, NM, will let you know how to handle the problem if this occurs.

Surgical Complications

Dental implants are not an exception to the danger of surgery causing nerve damage, bleeding, infection, or harm to the surrounding tissues. In addition, dental anesthesia has its hazards, so you should be informed of them if you decide to use them during your operation. 

When dental implants are placed by a skilled professional, there are fewer chances of medical complications happening.


Dental implant surgery has an infection risk, just like any other oral surgical operation. As your wounds heal, your dentist will advise you on how to keep them clean. Call your dentist if you have any of the following: discomfort, swelling, or fluid seeping from the incision site. You might need further surgeries if you have a gum or bone infection.

Nerve Damage

Implant surgery has the potential to harm nerves. Before the treatment, your dentist should take X-rays to find the nerves in your mouth. It would help to talk to your dentist about the dangers before the treatment, as nerve injury can have long-lasting effects.

Pain, stiffness, or stinging can result from nerve injury. In addition, your gums, lips, chin, and natural teeth might all be affected.


Dental implants are perfectly safe when placed by an experienced teeth implant grants specialist. Even though many dentists today provide dental implants, it’s essential to choose a specialist who knows a wide range of situations and has regularly conducted this treatment.

Talk to your dentist about all the dangers before deciding to have teeth implant grants. Notify them of any medical issues you have and the medications you use. Then, you can choose if implants are the top pick for you with the assistance of your dentist.

Stay Precautious With Dental Implants!

Looking at the problems with the process, you might get intimidated! However, when done by the expert professionals at  Sundance Dental & Orthodontics, it’s a walk in the park! So come, visit or call us today at 505-722-4422.