Relax Through Any Procedure With Sedation Dentistry From Sundance Dental And Orthodontics In Farmington NM
Do you ever feel nervous or anxious about a dental procedure? Has your anxiety kept you from visiting the dentist or getting the needed treatment? At Sundance Dental and Orthodontics in Farmington, NM, Rio Rancho, and Bloomfield, NM, patient comfort is our top priority. If you answered yes to either of those questions, our sedation dentistry treatments are here to help you. Sedation dentistry treatments help patients achieve a state of relaxation and calm before their procedure. Patients are awake enough to answer questions but feel completely at ease. Sedation dentistry elevates a patient to a form of comfort where they experience reduced sensitivity and no anxiety or stress.
The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry:
- Patients who choose sedation dentistry can get the treatment they need without anxiety or stress.
- Sedation dentistry allows patients to relax through any procedure.
- Our sedation treatments can lower sensitivity and elevate comfort.
- Patients are awake, but many don’t even remember the procedure after it is completed.
At our practice, we primarily offer laughing gas and IV sedation, depending on the patient’s individual needs.
Laughing Gas Sedation
Laughing gas allows patients to achieve lighter sedation that will wear off quickly after the procedure is performed. Patients love laughing gas because it is a tried and true sedation method that has been used successfully for decades. Laughing gas is a safe, effective, and affordable way to relieve your dental anxiety and relax through any procedure.
IV Sedation
We also offer IV sedation for patients who want to achieve a deeper level of sedation. We administer our IV sedation before your appointment begins. IV sedation will allow you to achieve a deep, calming state of relaxation that will help make any procedure even more accessible. To find out more about sedation dentistry, or to schedule an appointment with your sedation dentist, call us today if you are in Farmington, NM, Rio Rancho, NM, Bloomfield, NM, or Gallup, NM!